Sunday, May 20, 2012


"TUNISIA is the country of the eternal joy" , ('' تونس بلد الفرح الدائم''). 

We were always hearing this slogan over and over again by TUNSIA 7 TV channel and radio stations.A slogan  that never expressed our feelings or thoughts . But , it used to express what BEN ALI and  his followers feel at the expense of the nation 's sadness , poverty , stress, depression , persecution , supression and more. 

What kind of illusion and imaginary joy they wanted us to believe in  when many lost the value of life and chose death  !!!!!!. 

He was like making fun of us !!!!! 

ONLY after ousting this repressive regime,  we could   recover the sweetness and the real joy of being TUNISIAN, sticking to our UNION , and canceling the tyrant's classification  of who should be happy and who should not .

The need for JUSTICE  is what united us when we kicked out BEN ALI , but now and after the revolution we are facing a lot of challenges . And i hope that we keep  being united in JUSTICE to fight against unbalance between tunisian regions in development and against every attempt of the cowards and extremists to split us .Only then we can say that "TUNISIA is the country of  the eternal fair  joy "  for real.



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